You can apply for the available or Open IPOs from Choice FinX App or Website from IPO option from Dashboard.

You can view the latest IPOs. On tapping the IPO card you get an option to view ‘Details’, ‘Apply to the IPO’ .

When you tap on ‘Apply’, it will open the Bids Screen. Here’s how you can apply for the IPO using UPI in Choice.

  • Lot (Lot Size) - Enter the lots you would like to bid for.

  • Cut off Price  - Select 'Yes' to bid at the default cut-off price. Select 'No' if you want to enter your own price (within the price band).

  • Amount to be Blocked - Shown as per the lots requested.

  • For a bid amount greater than Rs. 5 Lakhs or to apply for IPO offline you can use Application Supported by Blocked Amount (ASBA) method. To read more about ASBA click here

  • Enter your UPI ID and select the VPA code from the drop down next to @UPI and click verify.

Once you have submitted your IPO application you'll receive a mandate request on your UPI app (you may take a few hours to receive this message). Once you receive it, just accept the mandate.

You will also receive an email and notification from your respective application where you will be required to approve and procced. 

You can view the IPO Orders with the status and other IPO order details.